Abstract Submission
Summer School in Mathematical Biology
Travel and Hotels
Past Conference



CIMPA Summer School in Mathematical Biology
Kathmandu, Nepal
June 17-26, 2019
The objective of this summer school is to enrich collaboration between Nepalese and international researchers, especially those early in their careers, while providing an opportunity for mathematicians and biologists in Nepal and neighboring countries to develop mathematical skills that can be applied to address real-life biological issues. The summer school aims to introduce students, junior faculty members, and young researchers to the theory and application of Mathematical Biology. The courses will be focused on foundational topics in Mathematical Biology including discrete and continuous population modeling, infectious disease modeling, genetics and evolution, biochemical reactions, and ion transport.
In addition to these lectures, computer labs and seminars, participants will develop novel research collaborations in group projects aimed at biological modeling; course instructors will act as mentors and lead organizers for these research projects. The results of the collaborative research projects will be expected to be presented during the poster sessions of the International Conference on Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences (AMNS-2019), which will take place in Pokhara immediately following the summer school and will enrich interactions by bringing in a number of international speakers, researchers and trainees.
Travel support: Financial supports are available for students, postdoc and junior faculty from Nepal and neighboring developing countries. To apply for financial support, complete the following steps:
Step 1: complete the following form:
Step 2: send a single document (maximum 2 pages), including cover letter and applicant’s CV, to Subas Acharya at sa.subas@gmail.com.
Step3: Participants requesting support should also apply online at CIMPA website www.cimpa.info/en/node/40
Further information: Contact the summer school organizer Dr. Naveen K. Vaidya, San Diego State University, at nvaidya@sdsu.edu.
Deadline for Registration and Application: February 03, 2019 Februrary 24, 2019 (extended)
Scientific Committee
Naveen Vaidya, San Diego State University, USA
Lindi Wahl, Western University, Canada
Libin Rong, University of Florida, USA
Robert Smith?, University of Ottawa, Canada
Jeremie Guedj, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM, Paris), France
Huaxiong Huang, York University, Canada
Organizing Committee
Naveen Vaidya, San Diego State University, USA
Kedar Uprety, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Subash Acharya, University of Texas – Dallas, USA
D.C. Ganga, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Lindi Wahl, Western University, Canada
Jeremie Guedj, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM, Paris), France
Stanca Ciupe, Virginia Tech, USA
Jeremie Guedj, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM, Paris), France
Jane Heffernan, York University, Canada
Huaxiong Huang, York University, Canada
Hem Joshi, Xavier University, USA
Libin Rong, University of Florida, USA
Elissa Schwartz, Washington State University, USA
Robert Smith?, University of Ottawa, Canada
Naveen Vaidya, San Diego State University, USA
Lindi Wahl, Western University, Canada
Gail Wolkowicz, McMaster University, Canada
Scientific Program and Structure
Course 1
Title: Discrete and Continuous Population Dynamics
Abstract: In this course, we will cover basic techniques of developing discrete models and continuous models of population dynamics. Mathematical analysis, including equilibria analysis, stability analysis and bifurcation analysis, of these systems of difference equations and systems of differential equations will be discussed in the context of population biology. Furthermore, computational methods will be explored to solve the model systems. Both single species and multiple species will be considered.
Course 2
Title: Biological Data and Model Parameters
Abstract: I will cover topics from biostatistics as well as teaching methodology of biostatistics in the context of modeling biological systems. We particularly focus on parameter estimation in linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models, genomics, sensitivity analyses, model selection.
Course 3
Title: Mathematical Epidemiology
Abstract: The objective of this course is to present a detailed introduction to modelling infectious diseases. We will discuss disease modelling at the population level, as these models represent some of the most classical results. We will cover a variety of topics on the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases (HIV, malaria, human papillomavirus, West Nile virus, measles, anthrax and smallpox). Topics will include vaccines, drug resistance, the basic reproductive ratio, bioterrorism and networks. Theoretical tools will include differential equation models, uncertainty/sensitivity analysis, Latin Hypercube Sampling and impulsive differential equations.
Course 4
Title: Within-host Modeling
Abstract: Within-host models have made significant contributions to the understanding of pathogen-host interactions, drug treatment and immune responses. We will introduce various models (ordinary, delay, and partial differential equations), and computational and data analysis methods used to study different virus infections (HIV, hepatitis, influenza etc).
Course 5
Title: Evolution and Genetics
Abstract: An introduction to mathematical modelling in evolution and genetics will be offered. Topics will include theoretical population genetics, evolutionary dynamics and game theoretic approaches. Case studies from the evolution and genetics of infectious disease, with particular applications to developing countries, will be highlighted.
Course 6
Title: Ion Transport in Biological Tissues
Abstract: we will cover the basics of electrophysiology and mathematical models for ion transport in brain micro environment. Techniques for mathematical analysis and numerical computation of the models will be discussed.